There are many variables at play on your scheduled day to move, but forcing your employed moving company to provide substandard service is not one of them—and it is not something you should consider.  These moving services can get expensive, especially if you’re moving outside your state, or if you’re purchasing a full-service package.

With that, as in any service, if you did not receive the value you paid for, it’s important for you to start investigating your options. That means preparing to possibly file a lawsuit in this instance.

Here are among the most common of situations that necessitate filing a moving complaint:

  • Minor or extensive damage to belongings due to improper handling
  • Lost items and belongings
  • Rude or dismissive customer service
  • Delayed or late service for pick up or delivery of belongings
  • Deliberate prolonging of services especially with an hourly rating

Needless to say, this is not an exhaustive list. You have the right to file a complaint at any time if you are unhappy with professional moving services. Apart from initiating the process of determining a solution, notifying management of inefficiencies in their systems, policies, or employees provides an opportunity for them to do better for the next person.

In reality, providing this information to a reliable moving company is extremely beneficial.

This is how you do it.

Making a Complaint Against a Company

Now, you can finally file your moving complaint with these organizations, but we recommend starting with the moving company itself. This provides the company with an opportunity to resolve the problem independently and propose a resolution before it becomes widely known.

Follow these three steps when filing a complaint:

Gather any and all proof to support your point

If you can provide adequate evidence to substantiate your claim, the better your chances of winning your case. This includes receipts, photographs, recordings, and contracts, as well as anything else you might have that demonstrates service inadequacies or inconsistencies.

Although this is not necessarily mandatory after an event has happened, it is always a good idea to keep track of any and all facts of a lawsuit eventually. This includes the names of the involved parties, with the precise dates that those acts occurred.

Contact the company

Directly contact the moving company, either by email or phone, then clarify your position and the facts supporting it. If you become enraged by this situation, keep in mind that it is always preferable to answer a complaint rationally and calmly. Declare the facts, show your evidence, and prevent the situation from escalating further.

Decide on whether to drop oar push with the complaint

The moving company’s response to your complaint would have a direct effect on your subsequent transfer. You may agree to dismiss the complaint if they provide an authentic apology and, if necessary, any additional remedy. Similarly, if the opposite party reacts dismissively or violently, it is probably not worthwhile to attempt to resolve the issue directly with them.

If you are dissatisfied with the progress of the moving complaint at this stage, take the recommendations above regarding your initial complaint and attempt to be as clear and calm as possible in explaining your situation. This increases the reputation of your review and makes it more helpful to other clients of moving companies.

Hopefully, you don’t have to file a moving case. But if you do, you should be aware of the range of available choices. Utilize an online directory for moving companies in order to locate vetted, reputable movers in your region for your upcoming relocation.